Sunday 30 November 2014

Proud students

Thank you to Grace (Year 3 2015) and Thomas (Year 1 2015) who modelled the St Aloysius school uniforms for a photo shoot for Waterford County last week. Can't wait to see their photos on the billboards in the estate!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

What a difference landscaping makes!

It is exciting to see much of the landscaping and turfing of our school playground already completed!

Finishing touches to our classroom buildings included seating, bag racks and a sports shed.

External finishes to our temporary Admin building.


Twilight Family Picnic

What a wonderful turnout of St Aloysius families last week despite the heat! Thank you to all families for your enthusiastic participation in our family scavenger hunt. We hope you were able to meet some families you hadn't met before.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Our school is taking shape

The last couple of weeks has seen a lot of progress both within our school buildings and throughout the school grounds.
Topsoil has been laid and our school amphitheatre completed.

The first classroom block has been carpeted and is almost complete.

Our Chapel, Hall and Canteen are getting close to completion. Much of the wall and ceiling panelling has been completed and the flooring will be laid shortly.

Our temporary Admin and Staffroom building has been completed and is now locked up. It has an amazing view!


Contemporary Learning

At the recent Parent Information Meeting for students going into Years 1 - 6 in 2015 we introduced some aspects of 21st Century or Contemporary Learning that will feature at St Aloysius. We all know schooling has changed and some of the feature of modern education include a focus on:

Collaboration (Teachers & students working & learning together)

Learning how to learn

Problem solving – not just one right strategy or solution

Differentiation – helping each child achieve success

Reflection on what was learnt  & how it was learnt

Use of technology

Balance – academic, cultural, sporting, spiritual, social & emotional wellbeing
We also looked at a couple of video clips that captured some of these priorities. These are just a few of the many videos available about contemporary learning: