Thursday 31 July 2014

What a difference a week makes!

Brickwork has commenced on our school canteen and the multi purpose building. The multipurpose building will house our admin and staff facilities next year and it is exciting to see doors and windows on this building. The foundations have also now been laid for the first of the classroom learning blocks.

Other News!
Thank you to more than 70 families who have provided us with feedback about uniform options. We will be taking this feedback to our potential suppliers to enable samples to be made for discussion by our Uniform Committee and also for official approval processes. Samples may be limited by the timeframe available to us. This photo is indicative of our colour selections rather than final style options. Shirt samples will be made up in both colour options.
Thank you also to the 68 families who completed our OOSH survey. This information will enable both potential OOSH providers to present us with service options for 2015. Any parents interested in being on an OOSH Committee are asked to notify the Office of their interest.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Site Visit

Yesterday members of the Project Implementation Committee held our monthly meeting on site at St Aloysius. It was exciting to see the progress of the buildings up close. Work is well underway on the Multi Purpose building as well as the Chapel/Hall. The foundation is about to be poured for the first classroom block. The timeline for building works was discussed including an upcoming increase in the workforce on site from 30 to 50 as the scope of work expands.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Uniform Choices!

It has been a very busy month trying to get together some uniform ideas in colours not currently being worn in any other nearby schools. We have come up with a teal and navy colour scheme and are looking forward to showing some options to parents at our Uniform meeting next Thursday evening.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Building Progress

Building Progress

After being away for a couple of weeks it was wonderful to see the progress made to the St Aloysius Multi Purpose Building and the Chapel/Hall.

93 Offers of Enrolment at St Aloysius were mailed before the school holidays to families of Catholic students or students currently enrolled at a Catholic school. A second round of Offers of Enrolment will be posted next week.
Families waiting to build in Waterford County were very excited when the land in Stages K & L was finally registered during the school holidays.